Disinfection of elements contaminated with HBV, HIV or Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Semi-critical biomedical elements contaminated with the blood of patients with HBV or HIV or with the respiratory secretions of patients with tuberculosis should receive high-level disinfection since experimental studies have demonstrated the inactivation of these germs with disinfectants of this type.

It is necessary to mention that many patients are asymptomatic carriers of these germs and that it is not possible to separate biomedical elements in order to give them additional treatment. Therefore, it is very important to always respect the steps of disinfection processes.

Sunday, May 19, 2024


Sterilization manual for health centers

Please Check out file at the following link

Implantable objects and Anesthesia masks disinfection

Dental instruments disinfection

Tonometers, diaphragm rings and cryosurgery instruments disinfection

Bronchoscopes disinfection

Endoscope disinfection
