Methods for controlling the sterilization process

Methods for controlling the sterilization process

Control is carried out by verifying that what is planned according to the standards of the service is fulfilled. The process should be controlled at every stage and this control should be recorded. In order to adequately control sterilization processes, it is...
General Principles of Packaging

General Principles of Packaging

This refers to objects that are sterilized and later stored, such as instruments, drapes, accessories, or devices. The purpose of any type of packaging system is to hold these objects and protect them from contamination by dirt, dust and microorganisms. The package...
Preparing and packaging materials

Preparing and packaging materials

Every article to be sterilized, stored and transported should be packaged in packaging that is selected to guarantee the sterile conditions of the material processed. Packaging should be selected according to the sterilization method and the article to be prepared....
Cleaning Your Sterilizer

Cleaning Your Sterilizer

You have to do some daily tasks to keep your sterilizer clean. Clean the sterilizers (chamber) with brushes and chemicals. This type of activity (cleaning the sterilizer wall/chamber) would be found in your specific sterilizer’s user manual/instructions for use (IFU)....
Ultrasonic washer

Ultrasonic washer

Action Electric power is transformed into a high frequency sound wave and transmitted to the liquid by transducers located under the sink. The high frequency sound waves are converted into mechanical vibrations. Two types of waves are generated: highpressure and...