Modes of Transmission of Waterborne Diseases

Modes of Transmission of Waterborne Diseases

Moist environments and aqueous solutions in health-care settings have the potential to serve as reservoirs for waterborne microorganisms. Under favorable environmental circumstances (e.g., warm temperature and the presence of a source of nutrition), many bacterial and...
Principles of Cleaning and Disinfecting Environmental Surfaces

Principles of Cleaning and Disinfecting Environmental Surfaces

Although microbiologically contaminated surfaces can serve as reservoirs of potential pathogens, these surfaces generally are not directly associated with transmission of infections to either staff or patients. The transferral of microorganisms from environmental...
Modes of Transmission of Airborne Diseases

Modes of Transmission of Airborne Diseases

A variety of airborne infections in susceptible hosts can result from exposures to clinically significant microorganisms released into the air when environmental reservoirs (i.e., soil, water, dust, and decaying organic matter) are disturbed. Once these materials are...