Decontamination of waste liquid and solid residues should be conducted with the same care and precautions recommended for any other exposure to TSE agents. The work area should be selected for easy containment of contamination and for subsequent disinfection of exposed surfaces. All waste liquids and solids must be captured and treated as infectious waste.
Liquids used for cleaning should be decontaminated in situ by addition of NaOH or hypochlorite or any of the procedures listed in instructions, and may then be disposed of as routine hospital waste. Absorbents, such as sawdust, may be used to stabilize liquids that will be transported to an incinerator; however, this should be added after decontamination.
Cleaning tools and methods should be selected to minimize dispersal of the contamination by splashing, splatters and aerosols. Great care is required in the use of brushes and scouring tools. Where possible, cleaning tools such as brushes, toweling and scouring pads, as well as tools used for disassembling contaminated apparatus, should either be disposable or selected for their ability to withstand the disinfection
Upon completion of the cleaning procedure, all solid wastes including disposable cleaning materials should be collected and decontaminated. Incineration is highly recommended. The cleaning station should then itself be decontaminated using one of the methods.
Automated cleaning equipment must not be used for any instrument or material that has not previously been thoroughly decontaminated following the recommendations.
Wednesday, Dec 29, 2021
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Microbial Contamination of Disinfectants
Disinfection in Ambulatory Care, Home Care, and the Home