Orthophthaldehyde is a new chemical agent and used for high-level disinfection (HLD). It corresponds to the group of inorganic aldehydes and contains benzenecarboxaldehyde 1.2.
Mechanism of action: It causes the alkylation of cellular components and acts directly on nucleic acids.
Spectrum: Studies have demonstrated its excellent microbicidal activity and higher activity than glutaraldehyde for mycobacteria. It is a mycobactericide and viricide.
Advantages and disadvantages: The principal advantage is that it has excellent stability in a broad range of pH (3-9) and as a result does not require activation. It also has excellent compatibility with any type of material or article and has chemical indicators. It is not carcinogenic, but it is recommendable to use this compound in ventilated areas since it still has not been determined if it can produce irritation in the eyes and nostrils. At this time, its high cost seems to be the principal disadvantage for its use.
Instructions for use: The time required for high-level disinfection varies according to the following standards and manufacturers:
American standard (Food and Drug Administration – FDA) (10 to 12 minutes at 20 ؛C)
Standard in Canada (10 minutes)
Standard in Europe (5 minutes)
In our environment, the recommendation is 10 to 12 minutes.
Concentrations for use: A concentration of 0.55% is recommended. The solution can be reused for 14 days and has a shelf life of two years.
Monday, March 4, 2024
Sterilization manual for health centers
Please Check out file at the following link
Physical Disinfection methods – Liquid chemical methods
Factors that affect the effectiveness of the disinfection process