Techniques or procedures for preparing sterile packages

Envelope type

  • Position the material diagonally in the center of the packaging.
  • Place the internal chemical indicator or integrator in the center of the package.
  • Fold the end facing the person who is preparing the package in such a way that it reaches the center of the package and covers the article.
  • Then make a fold with the point facing outward.
  • Fold the sides into the center of the package in the form of an envelope, always making a fold at the point. Carry out the same procedure on the other side so that they both cover the article.
  • Complete the package by lifting the fourth and final point toward the center of the package and seal the entire package with process indicator tape.
  • The control tape should not measure less than 5 cm.

Rectangular type of surgical clothing

  • For quality implementation of surgical activities, it is important that the surgical textile material be prepared in packages that contain the quantity of articles that are necessary for the type of intervention to be performed.
  • Taking into account that the sheets, compresses and scrubs are dens enough to serve as a barrier to penetration by steam, it is advisable to wrap these elements in packages that do not exceed 30 x 30 x 50 cm. Otherwise, they should be wrapped separately.
  • If the packages are larger, they run the risk of blocking the flow of the sterilizing agent inside the autoclave, preventing elimination of air and sterilization of the packages.

Pouch or window package

  • These packages should only be filled to ¾ of their capacity. Otherwise, effective sealing cannot be carried out and the container will be at risk of bursting.
  • Regardless of the sterilization method used, recall that when adjusting the pouches or packages in the sterilization chamber, each polymer side should be placed against another polymer side, since the exchange of air, steam, or gases happens only through the paper.
  • One precaution related to sealing is that in the case of a very high resistance by the sealing cord, there can be problems opening the bag and possible bursting of the package. Do not forget to always confirm the sealing cord and reduce its resistance by lowering the temperature of the seal. .

Teusday , october 24, 2023


Sterilization manual for health centers. Silvia I. Acosta-Gnass,Valeska de.

Please Check out file at the following link

Sterile Packaging models

Sterile Packaging techniques

Sterile Packaging selection and evaluation

Types of materials used and instructions for use

Criteria for selecting a packaging system
